UWA - About

About Us


Providing educational, entrepreneurial and professional skills to refugees and low-income communities using Information Technology and empowering them through employment to further support education and development within their communities.


To bring communities together and raise their socio-economic conditions, by developing skills valuable for employment, life opportunities and self-reliance for sustainable development.

Our Origin

In 2019, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS Uganda) graduated several students in Kampala in a Computer Networking Course, and afterwards granted a few of them a scholarship to study more advanced Computer Courses at Netlabs/Makerere University. In March 2020, Uganda faced its first Covid-19 lockdown in which everybody was forced to stay home.

In June 2020, JRS started to respond to the covid-19 lockdown by providing food and medical assistance to refugees in Kampala, and the students who received a scholarship at Netlabs/Makerere University were randomly selected to help on Data Entry in the JRS Database Management System. That experience was when the idea of creating Up With Africa was conceived.

In September 2020, some educational institutions re-opened and the students went back to Netlabs/Makerere University to complete their program. JRS had been providing transport funds to these students, the news is that public transport fee went high because taxis were restricted to carry fewer passengers than before Covid. JRS was kind enough to increase the transport funds for their students to be able to attend classes.

From there Up With Africa members planned to contribute weekly savings of UGX 10,000 (approximately $2.70 per week) to help jump-start the registration of Up With Africa and pay for the document necessary to start operating.

Our Team

Our team believes in collaboration, communication, team work and tasks oriented. Don't hesitate to reach out to our members for any collaboration or engagement.

General Director
Program Manager
Tech-learning Coordinator
Education Coordinator
Youth Lead Officer
Communication Officer