Enhancing Refugee Access to Education and Technology


Enhancing Refugee Access to Education and Technology

PHASE I: A Comparative Study between refugees and host community of Kampala, Nakivale, Kyaka II , and Kyangwali Refugee Communities in Uganda.

Research Introduction

The global refugee crisis has prompted an urgent need to address the educational and technological disparities faced by refugees. This research proposal aims to investigate and compare the access to education and technology among refugees and host communities residing in Uganda in different settlement types, specifically focusing on Kampala (urban), Nakivale, Kyaka II, and Kyangwali (rural) settlements.

The study seeks to identify barriers, gaps, and potential solutions to improve refugee access to education and technology, ultimately contributing to their socioeconomic empowerment and integration.

Research Objectives

  • To assess the current status of access to education and technology for refugees and host communities in Kampala, Nakivale, Kyaka II, and Kyangwali (Kampala, Isingiro, Kyegegwa and Kibuuge Districts).
  • To identify the barriers and challenges that hinder refugee access to education and technology in different settlement contexts.
  • To propose recommendations and strategies for enhancing refugee access to education and technology in the specified settlement areas.

Key Research Questions

  • Access Disparities: "What are the primary barriers to access to education and technology for both refugees and host communities in Uganda, and how do these barriers differ between the two groups?"
  • Impact of Technology on Education: "What is the impact of technology integration in education for refugees and host communities in terms of improving learning outcomes, skills development, and economic opportunities?"
  • Digital Divide: "How does the digital divide in terms of access to internet and digital devices affect the ability of refugees and host communities to access online educational resources and services in Uganda?"
  • Policy and Legal Frameworks: "What policies and legal frameworks exist in Uganda to support education and technology access for refugees, and what gaps or challenges are present in their implementation?"
  • Community Engagement: "To what extent are local communities and refugees involved in the planning, design, and implementation of education and technology initiatives in Uganda, and how does this engagement impact outcomes?"
  • Long-Term Integration: "What are the long-term educational and economic integration prospects for refugees in Uganda, and how can technology-enhanced education contribute to their successful integration into host communities?"
  • Gender and Vulnerable Groups: "How do gender dynamics and the needs of vulnerable groups, such as disabled refugees and female-headed households, influence access to education and technology in Uganda?"

Expected Outcomes

  • A comprehensive understanding of the disparities in access to education and technology among refugees in different settlement contexts.
  • Identification of common and unique barriers that refugees and host communities face in Kampala and the rural settlements.
  • Insights into the impact of local and international initiatives on refugee education and technology access.
  • A set of practical recommendations to improve refugee access to education and technology, considering the specific needs of each settlement type.


  • It contributes to the existing knowledge on refugee access to education and technology, particularly in diverse settlement contexts.
  • The findings can inform policy development and program implementation for refugee education and technology initiatives such as the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) department of refugees, UNHCR, Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), local and international Tech-Companies and different NGOs.
  • The study's insights can aid humanitarian organizations, governments, and NGOs in creating targeted interventions to bridge the education and technology gap among refugees.
  • By improving access to education and technology, refugees and host communities can enhance their skills, employability, and overall quality of life.

PHASE I: Data Collection

A Comparative Study between refugees and host community of Kampala, Nakivale, Kyaka II , and Kyangwali Refugee Communities in Uganda.

PHASE II: Data Analysis

Extracting useful information and insights from the collected data to draw conclusions to support decision-making in the four settlements.

PHASE III: Enhance Education and Technology Access

Enhancing education and technology access together with potential partners in refugee and host communities.

PHASE IV: Impact Analysis and Project expansion

Evaluation and impact analysis, and way forward to the expansion of the project.

Collaborating with NGOs, CBOs, associations, institutions, youth groups, entrepreneurial institutions, tech companies, schools and universities to leverage together key resources.
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